You are here: Setting up the Meridian Transmittal Management Module > Installing the Meridian Transmittal Management Modulecomponents

Installing the Meridian Transmittal Management Module components

The Meridian Transmittal Management Module components are installed by the Meridian Enterprise setup program, as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide.

To install the Meridian Transmittal Management Module components on a server with Meridian Enterprise already installed:

  1. Open the Meridian Enterprise setup program on the Meridian Enterprise server, either from the distribution disc or from the Programs and Features applet of the Windows Control Panel.
  2. Select the Modify option and click Next. The Select Components page appears.
  3. Expand the Server branch of the components tree and expand the EDM Server branch of the components tree. Select the Transmittal Management component.
  4. Complete the installation as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide.
  5. Continue as described in Registering licenses.

Note    If the Meridian Transmittal Management Module will be used with vaults created prior to Meridian Enterprise 2009a, modify the following registry key on the Meridian Enterprise server and reboot the computer to make the PowerUser extension property pages visible.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\Installed DataStores\<VaultName>\RegisterBehaviors\UIBeh.Register

Change the data of UIBeh.Register from AMEDMRegister:IsRegistered to AMEDMRegister:IsNotYetRegistered.

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Confirming correct installation